Sometime life gives you pie 

I woke up with a headache today, I guess it happens sometimes, luckily I didn’t have much planned. Me and S (my sisters boyfriend) did some major grocery shopping, buying almost everything in the store (and none of the trash I must add, we only bought veggies and fish and milk and things that are healthy). I’m not much for eating Healthy I just eat like my mom always told me to: the plate has to have all the colours of the rainbow, and that way I guess it becomes healthy by itself.


this is how I look when I go food shopping…not nice in other words
S is in a vegetarian period, or he’s actually been vegetarian without nameing himself vegetarian for most of his life but then he met my sis and learned how to eat meat, but now he’s back and my sis and I don’t really feel like being vegetarian, not because we don’t like vegetarian food, it’s more that I (I don’t know about my sis) don’t like prohibiting myself from eating things. This has created a small little issue that is really a none issue but still at times annoying. S eats one thing and me and the sis another = a lot of dishes because we are cooking two meals and = we don’t always eat together because the meals take different times to make and so on. So today I decided that since S was home and I didn’t want to make something and then wait for him to make something else, plus I wanted to make enough for dinner but not so much that I’d have to eat the same for lunch tomorrow as well. I decided to make vegetarian pie.
I’ve made sweet pies before (the lemon merengue below) but never salty, I guess I’ve watch mom do it like a million times but I’d never really paid attention to it. Anyways it turned out quite good don’t ya think:

something is off with my proportions of the dough it is a lot less then my mom makes her dough beautifully covers the sides. I guess her form is smaller than mine. 

After the pie making I went to work… It was the first time that I felt like I didn’t make any obvious mistakes which makes it a whole lot of fun. I treated myself to a snickers because of it! I think it’s important to treat yourself to things. Things eatable or material give an extra shot of happiness when needed… Ha… I sound like a shopaholic and comfort eater…in a way I guess I am, though my current monetary situation has curbed my shopping addiction… To a degree…