A possible injury and the bike stories

My training motivation is back to zero! And I guess that in a way it’s good because the knee pain I’ve been having can be a meniscus tear, I have an MRT in 8 days to see if my running career is over before it even started. I’m not too worried about it though I feel like I can’t expect to worse just yet! Specially since I was told that it was ok to train and my last work out I had zero pain.

Another tomato red picture of me after a run!

In other news, we’ve built a closet my boyfriend and I! Before we started we had to guess how long it would take for us to be done. I guessed 2 hours my boyfriend (the more realistic one of us) said 3… wow we were so wrong… it took us around 8-9 hours split over three days. Let’s just say we were annoyed with each other our apartment and the closet around hour 4…

The hard work paid off and in a way I would like to say that me and my “bob-the-builder” boyfriend are closer than ever… what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and all that!

Something that my boyfriend has gotten slightly tired off are my near death experiences on my little (read: too big) bike 🚲 The hulk (yes she is a green mean fighting machine!)! I love biking, if you’d ask me a year ago the answer would’ve been the absolute opposite, I hated it! I was terrified, I still am a bit, but mostly I enjoy how fast it takes me from point A to B.

Isn’t she a beauty 😍… the thing is, I feel like I’m a good biker rule wise… I’m not fast and I’m not slow i follow most rules (I’ve been known for passing some red lights… not recommended) but I do good… somehow I always seem to end up in the shitty situations…

like today, I was biking on one of the main streets, usually I avoid it due to the amount of cars and trams but now they are building so 1) it’s my only option now that the entire city is a mess. 2) because they are building there aren’t that many cars and the tram isn’t going.

Anyways, just because the tram isn’t going doesn’t mean that the lines are gone… so I was biking along and had to turn in on to the middle of the street but the area to turn was quite slow and right when I turn a woman turns the other way pushing me out on tram line… wheel stuck and Val just falls flat on the asphalt… the woman was super nice and asked if I was ok but most people just looked at me as if I was crazy…

What do we say to Asphalt? Not today!

Hahah I’m honestly quite surprised by how unharmed I was by the fall, considering my pants where already broken…I felt quite proud of myself for getting back on the bike after a few seconds of walking it off… this new found confidence definitely has to do with my running… but I’ll save that for another post

Lunch time run

This feeling you get when you run, the mindfulness, peace and quite, it’s something that once you’ve experienced you crave it. It’s a happy place, a place where no one and nothing else fits but you. You tell yourself to breathe to not think and then before you know it you are there…in the bliss. Where you don’t notice that you are running instead something else, this unspoken energy is driving you forward without it costing you anything…

Today I went for a treadmill run during lunch with a colleague and all of the heaviness of my previous two runs was washed away and somewhere in all the sweat I reached that happy place, that runners high and so I think we should all take a second to appreciate it, appreciate the fact that this is something we can do and give ourselves. Be thankful for our muscles and bones for carrying us, grateful for our minds that push us forward. Today I’m just going to be thankful.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder?

I’ve been away for a couple of days now… literally and not so literally. I mean I have always had my phone on but we’ve been going from one place to another so I haven’t had time to update, and there are some updates.

First of all…the trip to Riga was fantastic! I had such a great time…seriously where ever we went we were the ones laughing our asses off, and I’ve experienced so much new food, flavours I wouldn’t have dared to try before and basically had alcohol every day of the trip (something my tattoo probably will make me regret…nah…it hasn’t been that bad… im just guessing It will take an extra day before it is all healed up). Any ways my point is… That I am now back home…happier than I was before…and isn’t that really the point of it all?

I’ll write a Review of my Riga trip in the coming days with some tips on what do to and eat if you ever go there.

What else… oh yeah…we were driving to the house a couple of days ago when I got a call from an unfamiliar nr. It was what I think is my supervisor at the Danish Company. They are going to Berlin on Sunday for a company get together and asked if I would want to tag along, as it is a good way to get to know everybody and the company as well… Its strange because in my gut…I still feel this might not be the best choice, but you have to take the opportunities you get right?

Yesterday to top it off I got an email from one of the jobs I’ve applied for like A MILLION years ago saying that they would want me for an internship position with them. Or rather for an interview for that position. So now Im just waiting for a set date for the interview, cuz one should take all opportunities one gets… Isn’t typical…you hear nothing…and then you hear from them all…

Today Im gonna hang out in my PJs all day…oh no…I have to buy food and do the laundry but besides that… PJs all the way…

Peace out!


Job update

So I’ve decided to accept the job at the Danish company…scared that this might be a misstake… Yet scared that I won’t have anything in the end if I don’t accept it. 

Unlucky for me I’m also heading out of town tomorrow morning so there isn’t really much more I can do… except worry, cuz this whole trip thing is something I didn’t know about when I had the interview or I knew…it just didn’t come up and to be honest, I didn’t think I’d get the job at the Danish company…so I didn’t tell them that I wouldn’t be able to start until the 20th…

Hmm… Now I just have to wait and see how they react to this news… Hopefully they won’t throw me in the trash just yet. 

I’m nervous and scared… At least I have a lot of errands to run today so I won’t have time to wait by the phone… 

Breakfast then town to run the errands then back home to make dinner and pack. 

So a fully packed day… No pun intended 

Ps. The pic has nothing to do with the post I just wish the trees had more leaves on them… 

The Simplicity of things – or rather the lack there of 

Whyyyy?!? Why can’t things just be easy?!? So as you know I’ve had a job that I’ve really really wanted (the so called “big job”) then I got the interview at the Danish company. Now both have come back to me, though the first one very very vaguely while the Danes have set in stone that they want me, they have even been willing to negotiate on the salary (which is still lower than what I earned working in a store…but better than their first offer…a lot better which in itself is a compliment) now I sort of have to figure out what to do? 
I mean sure I can always quit this job if I were to get the big job… But as a person I am very loyal and it gets very hard for me to commit to something half heartedly…. Uuh I don’t know what to do… I don’t want to take the job just to quit after a week and I don’t want to turn this job down if I don’t get the big job…. 
If I hadn’t just eaten a bag of dorritos by myself I would’ve run down to the store and bought another one now… am I a nervous eater?!? 
I am scared that I’ll take this job, love it then get offered the big job, quit because the pay is soo much better and then hate it! I can’t do something I hate again… 

I wish I could talk to a guidance counselor right now… One that could objectively look at the options and tell me which one would be best for my career… 

I’ve talked to my sister and every one and everyone tells me to take it just to secure myself from potentially being without a job and that if in the end I don’t get the job I’ll continue looking for something that will pay more…
In a way I have myself to blame… I started making plans, I wanted to get my drivers license, not worry about going out to dinner and paying for it… Taking my peeps out for drinks and not being the one who doesn’t want to continue because I can’t spend more money… I wanted to buy my mom something nice, and tell my dad id help him out with some things for the big party in January…dreaming and hoping is the worse part of searching for a job and being so close to a great opportunity. 
A part of me wants to be honest to the big job and tell them that they might loose me if they don’t act fast, at the same time I think if they’d knew they’d probably just laugh and say that they can find someone else at anytime. And I’d like to be honest to the Danish company as well but I’m afraid they’d then choose another candidate that doesn’t have this whole big company might being interested in them. 
I have no idea and I have until tomorrow at 9 to decide… I’m screwed… Any way I choose I will end up loosing… 
This is all coming from a person that is usually very positive…


Sometime life gives you pie 

I woke up with a headache today, I guess it happens sometimes, luckily I didn’t have much planned. Me and S (my sisters boyfriend) did some major grocery shopping, buying almost everything in the store (and none of the trash I must add, we only bought veggies and fish and milk and things that are healthy). I’m not much for eating Healthy I just eat like my mom always told me to: the plate has to have all the colours of the rainbow, and that way I guess it becomes healthy by itself.


this is how I look when I go food shopping…not nice in other words
S is in a vegetarian period, or he’s actually been vegetarian without nameing himself vegetarian for most of his life but then he met my sis and learned how to eat meat, but now he’s back and my sis and I don’t really feel like being vegetarian, not because we don’t like vegetarian food, it’s more that I (I don’t know about my sis) don’t like prohibiting myself from eating things. This has created a small little issue that is really a none issue but still at times annoying. S eats one thing and me and the sis another = a lot of dishes because we are cooking two meals and = we don’t always eat together because the meals take different times to make and so on. So today I decided that since S was home and I didn’t want to make something and then wait for him to make something else, plus I wanted to make enough for dinner but not so much that I’d have to eat the same for lunch tomorrow as well. I decided to make vegetarian pie.
I’ve made sweet pies before (the lemon merengue below) but never salty, I guess I’ve watch mom do it like a million times but I’d never really paid attention to it. Anyways it turned out quite good don’t ya think:

something is off with my proportions of the dough it is a lot less then my mom makes her dough beautifully covers the sides. I guess her form is smaller than mine. 

After the pie making I went to work… It was the first time that I felt like I didn’t make any obvious mistakes which makes it a whole lot of fun. I treated myself to a snickers because of it! I think it’s important to treat yourself to things. Things eatable or material give an extra shot of happiness when needed… Ha… I sound like a shopaholic and comfort eater…in a way I guess I am, though my current monetary situation has curbed my shopping addiction… To a degree… 

Job interview…and random thoughts

Today I had a job interview at a Danish company here in Munich. I think it went ok but they are meeting 5 more people and I can’t see why I’d be better than any of them. 

I still haven’t heard anything from the “big shot”- job that would be awesome to have, or I wrote them yesterday and the response I got was “to be patient” so I guess I’ll try to be patient. But if I get the Danish job first…shall I just take it? because it seems great, an upandcoming company with future oportunities, or shall I just keep waiting for this other job… Hmm…there is of course a bi question regarding the salary… I’d be earning less then I do now…like a lot less… So yeah I don’t know…

So I’m watching the daily show now while my food gets hot and they are interviewing this woman who started a foundation/organization called “Girls who code“. Her name is  Reshma Saujani, And she is so smart! I love her! She should be the president of the USA, ha! No but seriously she makes so many good points about how girls see the world differently but don’t have the same opportunities as boys sometime do. 

Educate a girl and you change the world 

The first picture when you think of a coder is usually a guy or I guess in 90% of the cases you think of a man and what this company/organization/foundation (whatever it is) is doing is changing the way we see these coders. I think the same needs or should be done in a lot of other proffesions. I think a woman could do just as well as a firefighter but this is typically regarded as a male-vocation. This picture of men being saviours while women are caretakers (nursing being a highly female dominated career) is something we need to change. If I have a daughter I want her to know that a saviour does not have to be a man. We can save ourselves, women can save women, women can save men. It’s all about stereotypes and we need to consciously change them for there to be actual change. 

Whoa… so I guess I got a bit of subject but what I’m trying to say is that we need more initiatives that work on trying to see the world in a different way. No man should ever fear to join a “female” occupation. One should just do what one finds interesting, giving, fulfilling. 


not that this has anything to do with anything , but this is how you spell my name in arabic
I’ll update this post later with some links and names that are worthy to know when talking about girls who code! 

Now updated! 

Is it really Friday? 

Can’t believe how fast this week has passed! So I still haven’t heard anything from the job but I got a job interview on the 3rd of feb for a completely different thing, I’m excited…maybe this will work out better!

Today I met my friend Jasna, we went for lunch and ended up talking for hours! It’s so nice when you find someone you can talk to and the themes just melt into each other and the time just passes by so quickly! 

Today I also got some good news which will lead to a new (or rather two new) things on my body. Tell you more about it when it actually happens. Oh and the most exciting thing of all 🚗! Yes we got a car!!! A BMW, since we live in Germany it makes sense! Now we just have to wait for it to get pimped out, Badu (that’s the name of our new car) is getting a paint job and some tech things installed oh and a new motor if I remember correctly! 

Now I’m even more hyped on getting a job so I can pay for my drivers license and go on road trips… All by myself!!! Hahaha actually if I had a car and a drivers license there is a thing here in tegernsee tomorrow that I would love to see…but yeah that’s not gonna happen.

Anyways, because of all the good news we are making family dinner, making fish with salad and rice!  

And lemon meringue pie for dessert! 


Every time my phone rings

So when I sent in my test I got to know the grading would take a week…so I shouldn’t expect an answer until this Friday or maybe even Monday. Still any time my phone rings (I have a special notification ringtone for mails) I feel my heart stop and I go to my mail just to see that no…no answer yet… 


this waiting is making me go insane
Seriously haven’t been this nervous in ages. I think the last time was when I was applying for university. Phew I don’t know how I’m gonna survive until Friday. 

I should try to keep myself busy with something but I can’t, this job is basically all I think about 24/7 and I still know that there is a great chance that I won’t get it. 


Messing up

I just want a day without messing something up. I make mistakes all the time, and it’s frustrating. Today at work a lady came in and said: 

“Ich möchte eine Probetraining” ( roughly translated to “I want a tryout session”)

That for me means she wants to try something out today… (Keyword being today) So while I ask her to look at what she wants to try out today my boss the owner storms out of his session asking why a man is standing in the studio. The woman that was asking for a tryout session was looking through the thing and a lot of people wanted keys and it became quite chaotic with the man trying to explain what woman he was waiting for. The deal was that the lady did not want to train today but another day, and when they want to train another day all we, in the reception, should do is to tell them to send an email! So I guess I made another misstake today at work…

Then I made a misstake on a more personal level. A woman who works in HR  in one of the firms that I have applied for a job at, came in to train with us. And instead of acting cool and taking this opportunity to get my foot in seriously I got super nervous and started making stupid mistakes in German and then I just…just fucked it up. So yeah I can consider that job a no-go. 

this is how i look when im dissapointed with myself…yeah …im supposed to be 25