Job interview…and random thoughts

Today I had a job interview at a Danish company here in Munich. I think it went ok but they are meeting 5 more people and I can’t see why I’d be better than any of them. 

I still haven’t heard anything from the “big shot”- job that would be awesome to have, or I wrote them yesterday and the response I got was “to be patient” so I guess I’ll try to be patient. But if I get the Danish job first…shall I just take it? because it seems great, an upandcoming company with future oportunities, or shall I just keep waiting for this other job… Hmm…there is of course a bi question regarding the salary… I’d be earning less then I do now…like a lot less… So yeah I don’t know…

So I’m watching the daily show now while my food gets hot and they are interviewing this woman who started a foundation/organization called “Girls who code“. Her name is  Reshma Saujani, And she is so smart! I love her! She should be the president of the USA, ha! No but seriously she makes so many good points about how girls see the world differently but don’t have the same opportunities as boys sometime do. 

Educate a girl and you change the world 

The first picture when you think of a coder is usually a guy or I guess in 90% of the cases you think of a man and what this company/organization/foundation (whatever it is) is doing is changing the way we see these coders. I think the same needs or should be done in a lot of other proffesions. I think a woman could do just as well as a firefighter but this is typically regarded as a male-vocation. This picture of men being saviours while women are caretakers (nursing being a highly female dominated career) is something we need to change. If I have a daughter I want her to know that a saviour does not have to be a man. We can save ourselves, women can save women, women can save men. It’s all about stereotypes and we need to consciously change them for there to be actual change. 

Whoa… so I guess I got a bit of subject but what I’m trying to say is that we need more initiatives that work on trying to see the world in a different way. No man should ever fear to join a “female” occupation. One should just do what one finds interesting, giving, fulfilling. 


not that this has anything to do with anything , but this is how you spell my name in arabic
I’ll update this post later with some links and names that are worthy to know when talking about girls who code! 

Now updated! 

2 thoughts on “Job interview…and random thoughts

  1. The first thing when I think of coding is a lot of signs (><) and that kind of stuff. And although true, that the common idea of a geek is a man, I know many girls who code and rock the games. I also know girls working on a drilling platforms, fixing things and being engineers. So I’d say girls can be anything they want.
    Good luck on your job interview!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Flavour queens

      First of all thanks Kate for commenting!
      Hahah I agree we girls can rock anything especially if we believe we can!
      Thank you! Hope you have a great day!


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